When do we meet?
Saturdays 10am - 12noon
January & February
(check the CALENDAR or social media for updates)
What projects are we doing?
Bring a Work In Progress or hop onto Ravelry (ravelry.com) and open an account...this is an amazing FREE site with a gazillion patterns for stuff you didn't even know existed. Many are free, others are available for purchase. We've got several easy button patterns for hats, scarfs, cowls, and more. Buy your yarn and supplies from us and we will teach you to knit. If we don't have what you want/need, we recommend Gate City Yarn for ALL your fiber needs. Support local!
PS You don't have to knit...you can fiber art how you want or just clean out your purse and take a break from your life around our kitchen table.
Where are we meeting & who can come?
We're meeting in and around the farmhouse...all sorts of places to settle inside but also patios + porches if the weather works for you. Coffee and tea on tap, probably some snacks on the island or bring your own.
BUT don't bring your pet(s) or your kid(s).
How do I sign up?
Leave a voice mail or text 336-707-2507 to add your name to the guest list.
You can send us an email ...
Or just SHOW UP.
Any of those things is just fine!
Always BEST to Confirm Before Showing Up.